Australian Consumer Law Essay

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Zie retails is a retail business company operating in Australia since 2000. Due to recent economic changes and with economy putting consumer companies have some difficult. In 2012, Zie retails have decided to close some retail locations across Western Australia and Tasmania while merging some stores across Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales. The manager also decided to reduce hours of operation reducing number of staff, and they rising costs and decided to increase prices. Finally, it was noticed that the customer experience and the customer satisfaction are reversing the upward trend of the past few years, but actually dissatisfaction is increasing. The customer service Center Company is receiving numerous calls and is not able …show more content…

They found that their customers had two breakpoints at X and Y seconds on a call, answering the phone immediately, while leaving customers on hold for longer produced strong dissatisfaction. The company's average time to answer was only loosely managed between these two points.

Australian Consumer Law
The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) is the national law for fair trading and consumer protection. The ACL commenced on 1 January 2011 and is a cooperative reform of the Australian Government and the States and Territories through the Legislative and Governance Forum on Consumer Affairs (CAF). The ACL is administered and enforced jointly by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the State and Territory consumer protection agencies, with the involvement of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) on relevant matters.

Fair trading
Australian federal and state laws protect business and customers from unfair trading practices. Provides information about things to consider when ensuring your business meets fair trading …show more content…

If your crew doesn't have the basics of your products and services under their belts, now is the time to implement a more thorough training program. Begin by exploring the areas where your employees seem to be least informed so you can plan your training sessions accordingly.
Prioritize Customer Requests
Some customer requests may be able to wait a little longer for a response than other. Begin today to create a priority system that ensures urgent customer needs are handled first. With a priority system in place, you are less likely to receive complaints from customers who had to wait for issues that just couldn't wait.

1.Strengthen your customer service skills
First, it's important to make sure that your customer service team has the right skills for your managing customers' needs. No amount of CRM software can compensate for shortcomings in this area. But what skills should you be looking for in a customer service