Authoritarian Parents

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Georgiou et al (2013) conducted in Cyprus. He questioned 231 young adolescents about their cultural values and experiences with peers, they found that children from authoritarian homes were more likely to have experienced bullying -- both as victims and perpetrators .
Dekovic and Jannsens (1992; 1997); Karreman et al (2006); Piotrowski et al (2013) have suggested in their studies that children with authoritarian parents are actually less advanced when it comes to self-regulation and moral reasoning
Trinker et al (2012). Conducted a group of researchers on American middle and high school for over 18 months, they found that kids who identified their parents as more authoritarian were more likely to reject their parents as legitimate authority …show more content…

Lamborn et al (1996); Steinberg et al (2009) have performed some studies on children from lower socioeconomic groups and they have failed to show any difference in academic performances between authoritative and authoritarian families.
Turkel and Tzer (2008) conducted a study on the students of Turkish high school, it was seen that children from authoritarian families were rated as less resourceful than children from authoritarian or permissive parents.
Martinez and Garcia (2008) have conducted few studies on Spanish and Brazilian adolescents and have reported that adolescents from authoritarian homes had lower self-esteem than the teens from authoritative or permissive families.
Schmittmann et al (2006); van Duijvenvoorde et al (2008), have performed few experiments that suggested that childre learn better from positive feedback than from negative feedback.
Chang (2003); Wang et al (2006) have conducted researches in China that suggested that children with harsh parents have more trouble regulating their emotions …show more content…

They were also more likely to experience depersonalization--the feeling of watching oneself act without being in control of one’s actions.
Querido et al (2002) conducted a study on African-American pre-schooling children found that parents using authoritative parenting style reported that the authoritative caregivers were least likely to report externalizing behaviour problems in their children.
Chao (2001) suggested that authoritarian parenting may have different meanings in different cultures. Ruth Chao has argued that the Chinese version of authoritarian parenting is fundamentally different. Unlike Western authoritarian parents, Chinese authoritarian parents have closer relationships to their kids, and closeness is a predictor of higher school achievement.
Leung et al (1998); Chao (2001) have performed studies on children of Hong Kong Chinese and of Chinese immigrants to North America and have linked authoritarian parenting with higher school achievement.
Fletcher et al (1999) have conducted researches on authoritative parenting style and suggested that having at least one authoritative parent can make a big