Autobiographical Memory Analysis

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This article analyses two different type of memories, autobiographical memory which is also known as AM and prospective memory also known as PM. People are able to tell others about their life in the past and how they think their life will be in the future with the combination of both of the memory types. You would think because these involve memory that there would be a lot more research done in this category. However, there is very little research done in this department. This journal takes a long into whether or not some adults focus more on past events that happened in their lives or do some adults focus more on what kind of things will happen in their lives in the future. The researchers try to understand whether age is the reason behind …show more content…

Doing it this way provided the researchers with a way of being able to control and record the necessary information that they needed. Also, it allowed the researchers to be able to identify if the participants were about to receive a prospective memory or an autobiographical memory. Sometimes however, the memory is interrupted by an incoming call, during that time they record how long the time lasts. Doing it this way allows us to be able to understand how often the participants have a specific recall memory and which type of memory it is as well. The method that was adopted is extremely different than the way all the previous experiments were done. One of the main differences would be that the current experiment uses the more recent definition of the two memory types. Another difference between the pat experiments and the current one would be the things they decide to measure. The current study measures the amount of times that one of the participants had a prospective memory thoughts. This is very different than the previous studies because they measured execution rates of specified intentions unlike the current experiments. On a side note all the previous experiments focused mainly on college aged participants. They did not really extend their studies to include a broad range of age …show more content…

The experiments used the sampling method in order to be able to predict the probability of a participant experiencing an autobiographical memory or aa prospective memory. The results of the experiment were as follows, the younger participants showed the they experience prospective memory and autobiographical memory equally. They did not experience one over the other. The findings of this study when it comes to younger participants is connected with the results of the previous studies. During this study, it was also identified that the younger participants experienced prospective memory for a longer period of time as opposed to the other type of memory. This current study has significantly higher retrieval frequencies as opposed to the other previously done experiments. One of the methods that was used before but not during this time was the diary method. This type of method required the participant to continuously monitor their thoughts and to keep track of