Automocry In Evolutionary Biology

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In evolutionary biology, mimicry can be defined as a similarity of one species (the mimic) to another (the model) as a protective mechanism for either one or both species, against another species (the signal-receiver or the audience), typically a common predator of both species. The stimulus occurs as appearance, behaviour, sound or scent. The model is usually another organism, with the exception of automimicry. For prey species, mimicry strategies evolved as an adaptation against predators within their environment. The selective action of a signal-receiver drives the evolutionary process. In most circumstances, mimicry is advantageous to the mimic and harmful to the signal-receiver. The effect on the fitness of the model depends entirely upon the species involved. …show more content…

Aggressive mimicry occurs when predators or parasites share the same characteristics as a harmless species. They are therefore able to avoid detection by their prey or host. For example, the humpback anglerfish uses a modified bioluminescent dorsal spine to lure its prey. Another commonly known example is the common Cuckoo, which lay their eggs directly into other bird species nests. The Cuckoo chick hatches first and ejects the host eggs. The adopted parent cares for the Cuckoo, just like their own chicks.

This essay will focus on defensive mimicry, with particular focus on Batesian mimicry. Defensive mimicry, also known as protective mimicry, occurs when a species is able to avoid harm by deceiving other organisms into treating them as something else. It is usually a visual stimulus, such as warning