
How Did The Cold War Changes After Ww2

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War has completely changed ever since the year 1945. The same strategies we used on previous battles are not that useful anymore. To this day the United States and Russia Superpowers, countries with global control; still debate about the use of this mass destruction weapons(1); that can help secure victory in an emergency but also can have extremely terrible consequences not only to the environment but also to the human race.

During a race against Nazi Germany to create the first atomic bomb the United States, became the first country to successfully use uranium to create a huge radioactive explosion; Used two of their first bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki taking or injuring an estimated 279,000 people*2. Ending the war but taking many families …show more content…

Many countries such as the Soviet Union; which first tested their device in 1949 -- two years after the first use of the weapon; And the United States began building their nuclear arsenal up, causing the beginning of the Cold War. People believed that since the U.S. was fighting along the Soviet Union during WW2 that they would be still be allies, but no one remembered about the distrust that came between the two nations after the bombs were dropped(4). The U.S and the Soviet Union knew about the dangers of this new weapon; On July 1, 1968 they both along sixty other countries signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, limiting the amount of nuclear weapons(6).

The treaty didn’t change the people’s fear of a nuclear war occurring. 49 years have currently past and during all them years nuclear weapons were still a topic. North Korea’s new leader Kim Jong-Un on the year 2016, began building his country nuclear weapon arsenal, and has been starting problems since the year Obama has been president. Now the U.S. has a new president, Donald Trump, who is not afraid to get involved into drama. The President has been putting the nation and people at risk by posting his personal opinions on the app known as

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