Avis Budget Group Case Study

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Risk and Reward Assessment for Avis Budget Group Avis Budget Group is a car rental service provider that aims at connecting people physically and creating better experiences for them. Notably, the company’s first vision is to lead the vehicle rental services business while focusing on growth, efficiency, customer and innovation. The firm’s core values include integrity, responsibility, and commitment. However, achieving these goals has been met with some challenges such as the security problem. Consequently, the continuous movement of cars in and out of the service area has attracted theft in the company, where cars and other accessories are stolen. However, the perfect solution for this problem would be to replace and update the Auto-Vu LPR. Consequently, the new technology should be able to trace a large number of the cars and drivers in and out of the service area, monitor all activities in …show more content…

Additionally, the Human Resource Department will be involved as a few employees will need to be relieved of their duties while others will need to move from one department to the other. Also, the finance department will need to be involved in coming up with a cost effective budget for the entire project of installing new improved security systems and training of current and new employees. Notably, the IT department will play a major role in the installation and maintenance of the security system. Also, the sales department will participate by providing insight on how to improve the new security systems to be customer oriented and improve services at Avis Budget Troup. Additionally, lack of security is a big inconvenience to Avis Budget Group, the cost of training and hiring new competent employees to replace the incompetent ones, and training is considerably low and economically