Malcolm Baldridge Criteria

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When looking at the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Improvement Act of 1987, we must understand that it evaluates a more significant number of areas of the organization of the international and national businesses in the United States (Easton, 1993). The goal of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality is to ensure that American companies can compete with other companies from around the world and to ensure that American businesses are not only relevant in the world, but also lead in the world of business. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Improvement Act of 1987 has criteria that each organization must meet to ensure that they are as competitive as possible these can range from human resources, quality management, security, and a more significant …show more content…

We can see from our research this week that there are seven process evaluations dimensions that guild an organization on their path to meet the compliance standards of the Baldridge program. This process has an acronym known as A-D-L-I that outlines the evaluation process for the Baldridge process. The A is for approach and evaluates the process of how the organization to achieve their goals, the ethics of how these procedures are conducted, the potency that was applied to the process, the soundness of their practices and their repeatability. The D is for deployment and evaluates the methods or everyday operation that must be met by your organization and the responsibilities to the stockholders of the organizations and protecting these areas in your homeland Security Assessment to ensure continuity of the organization (Easton, 1993). The L is for learning and evaluates the organizational ability by looking at standard operating practices every few months or years to ensure that there are not more productive ways to achieve the same operational goals and quality (Easton,1993). The I is for integration and evaluates the takes the other three evaluations and looks at how they can be improved on by the organization to ensure that it is meeting top operational …show more content…

The advisory system has five components that allow the assessment team to evaluate the organization's risk of attack or other crisis events and how well the organization is prepared for these events. These components are color coded for easy understanding and allow each person is looking at the chart to instantly see where the organization stands and where and what it needs to improve. The advisory system evaluates the organization's leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, measurement, analysis, and knowledge management, human resource focus, process management, and business results (Fisher, 2004). When the assessment team is starting the Homeland Security Advisory System all of the assessment areas play a crucial part in showing the assessment team where they are as an organization and shows them where they need to be to ensure the safety and security of their organization while maintaining its goals and the mission (Easton,

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