
BDSM By Michael Castlem Article Analysis

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` There is an online article called A Loving Introduction to BDSM by Michael Castleman; it a is a short article that explains the basic knowledge on BDSM. The term BDSM was created in 1969. BDSM includes bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadism & masochism.
Bondage is consensually binding, tying, or restraining a partner for stimulation. Bondage is also being consensually tied or restrained Materials such as rope, cuffs, bondage tape, or other restraints may be used for this purpose.( Kink Weekly BDSM. (n.d.))
The only thing that was accurate in Fifty Shades of Grey was teaching us that dominance and submission is a set of roles where the submissive gives away all of their control and the dominant has all of the power. …show more content…

Practitioners of sadomasochism seek sexual satisfaction from their acts. (Burton, N., M.D. (n.d.)). BDSM is a great community due to the welcoming environment, has an importance to the community, and is practiced around the …show more content…

It takes a lot of trust to offer one?s body and mind to someone and trust that that person will not abuse that trust. People outside of that BDSM relationship might think that the roles are not equal when that is not the case. Both the dominant and submissive depend on each other equally. Not everyone is into the ideal version of sex such as missionary (boy on top. The BDSM community just find it unfulfilling. Most people try BDSM because they want to explore themselves sexually and they want something more intense and intimate with their partner. According to Michael Castleman, who has been a sexual researcher for thirty-six years, two to three percent of American adults practice BDSM. ( Castleman, M. (n.d.)). That?s around five million people. Twenty percent of adults have confessed arousal from

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