Ba/Forensic Psychology Application Essay Examples

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The mysteries of the human mind have always been a fascination of mine. Why do we do the things we do? How are we able to do them? What drives us to become the people we are? These questions have always been in the back of my mind. My entire life I have favored listening over talking. If I listened, I could gain insight into someone’s life and mind. Reading books, especially psychology books, became a means to understand others. Be that as it may, the time to venture into the world and use my knowledge is drawing near. I have gained so much, but feel as if I still know so little. The BA/MA program at John Jay can help prepare me for my adventure by giving me more information and experience.
At first, my enthrallment with psychology stemmed from TV shows, however, as I began taking psychology courses, I fell in love with the subject. I was awestruck with how complex the brain is. Learning about cognitive, social, clinical …show more content…

has opened my eyes so much to the world and people’s behavior. Before everything seemed so black and white, but forensic psychology has brought color to my world. Every day I wake up ecstatic to go to school and learn something new. Entering the BA/MA forensic psychology program would mean that I would have an opportunity to learn about even more thought-provoking things. I would be able to take marvelous classes and learn about psychopathology, different types of assessment, and counseling. This program would give me the chance to dive into a subject I know I could never get bored of. With each lesson, I find myself beginning to connect with people more. Before, I was a shy girl who only spoke when spoken to. I did not want to expand my horizons and just wanted to stay in my safe little