Baby Boom Research Paper

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Following WWII, the United States enter a time that would be called the Baby Boom. From 1946 to 1964 over 76 million babies were born in the United States. At the time babies made up around 40 percent of the American population. This changed the United States in a major way. Most historians believe that many families had babies because they were final out the Great Depression and can final afford to take care of it. While others believe if was more from post war. No matter whose option was right, both agreed the United States increased dramatical in a short time period. Although the United States was building more suburbs, it would had succeeded without the Baby Boom.
Within nine months after WWII the Baby Boom started. In 1946, 3.4 million babies were born marking the highest ever. In fact, it ended up being 20 percent high than the previous year. In a short amount of time millions of babies were born in the following …show more content…

During WWII to most men were drafted to join the military. This some what forced many women to take on the jobs most held by men at the time. When the Baby Boom happened, many Americans viewed this as a chance to get women back as household keepers. Many magazines at the time promoted sending women back to housewives. They would post articles like “Cooking To Me Is Poetry” and “Femininity Begins At Home”. Little thing like this caused many women to rebel against want the media was trying to do. In the 1960s the rebirth of the feminist movement happened. Another thing the Baby Boom brought was helping the market stay healthy. With so many babies many families needed to change their normal everyday buy. Products like T.V.s flourished in the young market because at the time Mickey Mouse was very popular for kids. Also, the need for cars with more room helped the auto industry. With the Baby Boom the market had final became safe and