
Baby Coming Of Age Quotes

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I feel like this section of this book dives deeper into the theme of loss of innocence, and into the the coming of age theme. At the beginning of the section of the book, while Baby was returning home with her Father Jules she made the statement that ‘’The clouds got thicker and gray over us .The calm before the storm made me feel excited. It gave me the feeling things were about to change.’’(O’Neill 90). This quote really foreshadowed the aspect that things are going to change in Baby’s life. However, because the author used dark imagery I predicted that the changes in Baby 's life will happen abruptly and have a damaging effects. I feel like in this section of the book Baby is entering an identity crises/ role confusion, which can be …show more content…

He often takes long trips away from home and leaves Baby alone by herself. I feel like this crumbled baby’s childhood innocence and forced her to grow up,because at the age of 12 she had to fend for herself in the world and was left without a caring parental figure-one that she was always craving for. I feel like this really infringed the reasons why Baby started hanging out with older boys. She wanted to feel like she was going to get taken care of, loved and respected, something that Jules was not giving her. There has been mention that Alphonse, the man that Baby is very fond of, is a pimp. And therefore, if he does give baby ‘’love and ‘’attention’’ it will not be the good kind, and Baby’s life will continue to be a downhill spiral. The symbolism of the doll occurs once again in this reading section. In one of Jules moods swings, he believed Baby was on drugs. He trashed her room while she was gone to get groceries. When Baby got home, she was heartbroken as she saw her rag doll ‘’ with arms and legs ripped off’’ ( O 'Neill 119). This quote is extremely significant. It signifies the message that now Baby’s childhood is gone, and that her innocence will soon be gone as well. As can be seen shortly after when Baby starts socializing with a

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