Common Misconception Myth

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7 COMMON CONCEPTION MYTHS BUSTED When you tell your relatives that you are planning to start a family, you’re suddenly loaded with a ton of weird and wonderful, small-huge tips to help you conceive. This is truer in case of people residing in traditional societies. However, many of these tips and trick may fail to live up to your expectations. To help distinct facts from fiction, we’ve rounded up a list of pregnancy myths that are oh-so-not-true. Ditch these old wives’ tales and steer them away from your belief system to conceive sooner and better. Also Read- MYTH #1: We need to have sex every day to get pregnant. While you can do this if you want, it is surely …show more content…

So the safest bet is to track your ovulation period and simply go for gold when you’re in the mood for it. Also Read- MYTH #2: Women must orgasm in order to get pregnant. This is another common myth revolving around pregnancy. The notion is that when woman orgasms, her uterus will contract and the sperm will travel faster. But, another fact is that every third woman has trouble orgasming during the sex and this myth can really create unnecessary stress. The greater news is that you don’t need to fuss about the big ‘o’ moment as it isn’t necessary for getting pregnant. MYTH #3: If a man has had a child previously, he can’t have fertility problems now. Some couples believe that if they are not able to conceive, it can’t be a problem with the man if he’s had a child previously, thus putting all the blame on the woman. But there are many reasons why this is not certainly true. While we all know that a woman’s fertility tends to decrease after the age of 40, very few of us know that a man’s fertility also drops with age. There are can also be other causes contributing to a man’s decrease in fertility such as obesity, thyroid disease, …show more content…

Doctors often advise women to lie straight after the intercourse for around 10 minutes to help the sperms reach the cervix, however, there’s no research backing up this belief. Hence, you don’t need to spend hours in bed in an uncomfortable position each time you have an intercourse. A little rest for 5 minutes will do most of the work for you. MYTH #7: Over exercising can make a woman infertile. It has been believed that women who engage in excessive physical activity and exercise can risk themselves into becoming infertile. This would mean that majority of the sports women should be infertile, which is clearly not true. All you need to do is ensure that your menstrual cycle is correct and overall health is good. In fact, many doctors recommend women to undertake regular exercises to stay sexually and physically healthy. Read more-

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