Back To The Wild Chris Mccandless Summary

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Chris strived for freedom and release from his household and society itself, to achieve that he sought to the woods to live a positive and beautiful existence on the earth. The blog post “Note from Carine McCandless” by Carine McCandless is the most likely interpretation of Chris McCandless’s life and his choices. Carine explains and supports what led up to Chris McCandless making the decisions he made. Carine, who grew up, lived, and most likely spent the most time with Chris, will have the most truthful information and experiences. The experiences that Carine has gone through in the McCandless household are very close to what Chris could have experienced which led up to the decisions he made. Chris’s parents, who loved, fed, and provided Chris a nice clean home, made their own interpretation of Chris’s choices, however, there narrations are full of one sided opinions. Through experiencing a lot of the same events and being in the same environment that Chris McCandless was grown up in, Carine’s text would be the best interpretation of Chris McCandless’s life and choices. While in the same environment, Carine and Chris experienced the …show more content…

and W. McCandless). While it might be true that Chris went into the wild to free himself from responsibilities, it is more likely he left society to escape the pain he went through while he was a child. Carine, who explains that Chris carried guilt of him causing sadness to his mother and essentially making her stuck with someone she didn’t want to be, was too much. And with no other alternative, when Chris was old enough he would vanish and “completely remove himself from the pain he could not manage” (C.McCandless). Carine’s relationship and similar experiences to the ones of Chris allow her to overrule what Billie and Walt thought the reason why Chris went into the