Bad Parenting In Ronald Dahl's Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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Ronald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a very exciting story about the love of chocolate, and how just a little piece of candy can teach children, and even their parents some very valuable lessons.

Even if you think you are the perfect parent, you can display signs of bad parenting. All throughout the book, there are countless displays of bad parenting. Where certain incidents could have been avoided. The obvious accounts of bad parenting are not only interpreted by the reader but portrayed by the tiny workers in the factory, the Oompa Loompas. An example of the Oompa Loompas portraying proof of bad parenting would be when they were singing about Mike Teave, the television addict, “so please oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your television set away, and in its place, you can install a lovely bookshelf on the wall”. …show more content…

In the story on multiple occasions, before the children even entered the factory, and on every occasion when the children where inside of the factory they did not listen to their parents because in a general sense of things the parents let them have whatever they want, for too long throughout in their lives. The good parenting figure in the story Grandpa Joe Charlie Bucket’s Grandfather said,” why won't any of these kids listen? It seems like no matter what Mr. Wonka or their parents say, these kids do the exact