Band Director Research Paper

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A band director can teach students on a middle school level up to a college level depending on his or her degree. As the students mature, the band director should see exponential growth in the students ' playing ability. A band director teaches students how to play their intruments well and to fluently read and interpret music. Students should be exposed to a variety of different genres of music. Band directors may also give private lessons to students who wished to be above average or that simply need some one on one help. Band directors not only teach music, but teach important life lessons that build character such as discipline, dedication, focus, unity, responsibility, and citizenship (Bergseth1). Each are vital to every minute of practice …show more content…

Just like any job, becoming a band director has its disadvantages. Band directors have a lot to worry about. They are responsible for large groups of students. In every band program, there are a handful or two of students that just do not care. They have no motivation to show up and put in hard work. They certainly do not take their instruments home to practice. They can be a serious detriment to the band if they are not dealt with. Their negative attitude can spread quickly and spoil a positive attitude for the band (Young1). With these students comes the need for an obstinate, patient teacher. Students often come unprepared for rehersals or just never show up. Some never learn their music. This makes it difficult to have productive practices. The band director must be prepared for these types of mishaps and be able to bounce back quickly by making the most of the time and resouces given to them. Students are not always the problem. Parents tend to try to run the band program the way they see fit. Band directors can recieve a lot of chastisement from parents that disagree with a decision that has been made. Sometimes students ' can catch a bad attitude from unhappy parents. A band director cannot possibly please everyone. They must remain heastrong and make the wisest decision for the band as