Band Proposal Essay

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Band programs across the state perform their selected works in front of experiencedjudges and are graded based on musicality, accuracy, and other areas. There is also a sight-reading portion where the group is handed a piece of music they have never seen before and isgraded on their ability to accurately read and play the literature. Additionally, GMEA hostsDistrict- and All-State band auditions, where individual students perform a standard etude and aset of major scales fundamental to all musicians. Students are invited to be a part of the All-StateBand comprised of the highest-scoring auditions. Results of these evaluations are perfectmarkers for the advancement of ensembles and individuals. If administrators and board directorswould look to these ratings for test scores, there would be much more interest in theadvancement and musical education of students. …show more content…

Thesame team building skills developed with music that help in a school environment will make anyand every student involved with music more useful as an employee. Musiciansacquirecraftsmanship skills as they learn how details are painstakingly put together and what amounts togood, instead of mediocre, work. These values, when pertaining to a musician’s own work,require a heighteneddegree of superiority and necessitate that students stretch their innerresources. Music performance also inspires students to conquer fear and take risks. Stageperformance increases confidence and aptitude for public speaking, a skill imperative in almostany job that requires teamwork. Additionally, it forms musicians into goal-oriented people.