
Bangladesh Is Drowning Because Of Climate Change Summary

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What do you think happens when you drive your car and who is it affecting? The severity of climate change is increasing and affecting other countries. In Bangladesh 10 million people could be displaced because of salt water. The contributors include “ political instability, poverty, and poor healthcare” (Mifflin) Because of these issues it is complicated for Bangladesh to rebuild after a cyclone or monsoon. In the article” Bangladesh Is Drowning Because Of Climate Change,” the author Alex Mifflin builds an argument that climate change has resulted in many problems for Bangladesh. The author uses reasons such as; water supply, challenges of farming, and overpopulation, to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument.

The author uses the water supply to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Mifflin uses evidence to convince his audience. For example, she states that” The forecasted rise of one metre before the end of the century could permanently displace more than 30-million people.” The author uses the reasoning that we can’t live without water so the people will be dehydrated. The author persuades …show more content…

The author asserts that farming has become a tedious task by stating that the annual monsoon that used to help the farmers is now unpredictable and increases in intensity. The farmers are now confused and don’t know when to harvest and plant their crops. An addition to the original problem, cyclones have increased in severity which causes the plants to drown and so nothing can grow. The author uses this reasoning to convey the harshness of farming can become an issue when there is an increasing population. The author uses the elements of logos and pathos which included data, time and painting a picture of how complicated living in Bangladesh is. The farming affects the population density because people go where the food and water is

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