Banned Books

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Should school administrators be allowed to ban books? Some banned books are good for students to read because books tell the real life stories and struggles of a person and what they had to overcome. Banned books have many controversies around them. When books are challenged enough and with lots of good reasoning they can be banned. Not being able to check out banned books is like being locked up in jail and you can do only certain things. Such as reading in a library and someone is not allowed to check the book out and read it. Some books are offensive to some people but aren’t to others. Is it unfair that the book can’t be read by students it is ok with? Many people have challenged books from all time periods new and old.

Before a book gets banned or censored it is challenged. Some series of books have been challenged like the Harry Potter Series, and when the reasoning for it to be banned because it promotes witchcraft and wizardry. Does this seem like very good reasoning for a book to get banned? Some books are banned because it promotes something that isn’t ok with someone. Another example would be Huckleberry Finn, it does use racial discrimination in the book, but in that time period many people were told these things and it gives you an example of what they had to deal with (Tennessean, 2009). …show more content…

This book tells the story of a young girl and her troubled life. It may be a bit dramatic, but that is how the world is today. It has been banned because of bad language, inappropriate actions, and violence, but sadly that is what happens today as well in some places. School administrators shouldn’t be allowed to ban this book when things in it actually happen in the world. If someone isn’t ok with the book then they don’t have to read it. If any student wants to read it with parent permission they should be able to read