Banning Football In High Schools

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Banning football in High school, is that even a thought? Football is
America’s pastime, why would someone want to take that away?
Football should not be banned for High schools around the United States. For a lot of kids and really anyone football is a passion, not just a game that is being scored by running past a line. For some kids or people, playing football is the only thing they have in life and helps them get through life. Football is a tough sport, you have to work hard to play, concussions do not discriminate sports either though, if people are worried about kids well beings during football or sports, then high schools should start having trained doctors on the sidelines ready for anything that happens. Sports safety could be taught …show more content…

Football remains the No. 1 high school participation sport in the United States of America, by themselves, the 1,083,308 high school boys who played football in the United States in the 2015 season outnumbered the boys and girls combined who played any other high school sport.

It is found that football is less of a risk then bicycling. According to the statistics, riding your bicycle is actually a much more dangerous decision than hitting the gridiron. The numbers were equally bad for children under 14. Cycling was the biggest cause of sports-related injuries in youth with 40,000 injuries which is double what football contributed. There is a large problem with people riding bicycles without helmets which puts them at huge risk for a traumatic brain injury should they be involved in any sort of accident, while football players have to wear helmets. Combine this risk with the unbelievable number of bikers hit by cars every year, and you have a recipe for serious brain injuries. The statistics show the results. Nearly 90 percent of bicyclists killed in the U.S. in 2009 were not wearing