
Barbarian Girls

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The magistrate and the girl may have not had a marital type relationship, however the word “free” really pulls my attention to it (United Nations). Why? The word free implies that there is nothing in exchange for consent. However, when we apply this article to the magistrate and the girl’s relationship, we can see their relationship is not free. She may be fully consenting to the relationship, but by no means was it free. She was subjecting herself to the sexual actions of the magistrate and the unwanted conversation all for her survival. Without the magistrate, the girl very well could have died. The barbarian girl uses the relationship as a survival mechanism. I previously stated that without the aid of the magistrate, the girl very well could have died. I say this because, if the girl were to not rely on the magistrate (or other men Coetzee’s allows us to believe she also depended on), but on her own devices, she probably …show more content…

The fact that she not only is a woman, but is also disabled—blind with mutilated feet, she cannot see very well and has much difficulty getting around, makes her more in need of someone to depend on. By no means am I saying that she must rely on someone, but it is more than likely to her best advantage to do so in this particular situation. How does the complex relationship of the girl in the magistrate relate to women and economic rights and problems today? It relates to women today very strongly—financial and economic abuse is a very real and sadly uncommon occurrence. I am led to believe this because of observation and interviews via Facebook. I made a post asking

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