Barbie Stereotypes

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Long legs, blonde hair, Caucasian blue eyes, tiny waist, doll boobs, full lips and a California tan. Most Barbie dolls have ruined the perception of beauty for girls all over the world. These “perfect”, unrealistic dolls have set an impossible standard thousands of girls fail to meet, therefore causing self esteem issues they could carry into adulthood. These dolls may seem harmless, but the damage they bring into the lives of women all over the world is catastrophic.

Barbie, society’s perception of a perfect girl, is the cookie cutter shape many girls try to force themselves into. If Barbie were a real woman, she would look like something that came straight out of a Sci-Fi movie. Her body would be so out of normal human proportions that …show more content…

Some people do need to diet and or lose weight for reasons like obesity, heart conditions and the like. Mattel’s Barbie could possibly give positive effects to young girls like the need to look their best, eat healthy and even boost self-confidence in ways like clothing and make-up. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good for oneself. Although quite often, the values promoted by Mattel’s Barbie are misunderstood and abused – leading problems regarding their self esteem, physical health and emotional …show more content…

According to Dr. Emma Halliwell of of the University of West England that when children are exposed to images of Barbie, they would have more negative attitudes toward their appearance.

A lot of failed attempts to gain Barbie-like body proportions have more often that not lead teenage girls into self-harm, simply starving themselves to lose weight would already be a form of self-harm, but some would seriously resort to cutting to “punish” themselves for “not being skinny enough.” Some women, in pursuit of such an impossible goal of emulating Barbie would eventually and literally starve themselves to death. Studies show that aside from death by starvation, people diagnosed with anorexia could also die from heart convulsion and even