
Bargain: The Story Of Mr. Baumer And Slade

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There is a story called Bargain it’s a good story it’s about two men names are Mr. Baumer and Slade then there is a little boy name Al. Mr.Baumer is a storekeeper he stores food,water,drinks,candy all kinds of stuff, but then you got Al a good long hard worker, but Mr. Baumer has a problem with a man named Slade. Mr.Baumer doesn't like Slade, but Mr.Baumer and Slade had a fight Slade thought that Mr.Baumer was a weakening, but he thought wrong Mr.Baumer beat him up bad. Slade wanted to get back at Mr.Baumer, then Slade seen if he could get a job at the store with Mr.baumer and he did. He worked hard and very well then one day Mr.Baumer find Slade on the floor with a poison drink and someone find him with Mr.Baumer so they went to the sheriff
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