Barn Burning Argument Essay

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Argumentative Essay: Barn Burning Everyone in some way is subjected to abuse. Whether it be abuse in your household, to your next-door neighbor, pets, etc. Abuse is a problem many of us face directly or indirectly, I have witnessed Physical and Emotional Abuse in my household to family members. In the story Barn Burning-by William Faulkner, Sarty, the youngest son witnesses all types of abuse to members of his family, other people, animals, and himself. It is without a doubt, that Snopes is an abusive man to many things and people. And I will be proving this statement with evidence from Barn Burning by William Faulkner, and Power and Control: Abusive Behaviors by Life Skills International. Mr. Snopes used many forms of abuse on his family …show more content…

Snopes is abusive, I will be using information provided by Life Skills International titled Power and Control: Abusive Behaviors. The article defines Physical Abuse as: grabbing, hitting, restraining, pushing, and shoving. Mr Snopes has done each of these things at least once. Another form of abuse is Emotional Abuse, which consists of Threatening, conditional love, controlling and humiliating. Snopes has also done all of these things. Economic Abuse is mentioned as: not letting her know about family income, giving her allowance, taking money/valuables. Intimidation Abuse is used multiple times within Mr.Snopes’s household, it is defined as: using looks, actions, gestures, abusing pets, making him/her afraid. Isolation is defned as: limiting her/his involvement, cntrolling what she does,who she sees,and talks to. Since Mr. Snopes’s family has moved so much, His family is unable to form any relationships with anyone. Male Privilege often seen within this story Male Privelage is defined as treating her as a servant, making the big decisions, defines the men and womens roles. Coercion and Threats are defined as: Making and carrying out threats to do something to hurt an individual, making the individual do illegal things, threatening to leave the individual, comit suicide. Finally, Responsibility Abuse which is making the victim responsible for everything in life, parenting, jobs around the house, things the abuser is responsible to do. Mr. Snopes is notorious for