Barrett's Unique Community Environment And Human Event Course

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With almost eight billion people on the planet, our world is becoming increasingly complex and fraught with challenges. Consequently, global citizenship is more crucial to humanity’s success than ever. Being a global citizen is the opposite of being narrow-minded, readily embracing new experiences in both social and academic settings, and constantly expanding one’s viewpoint of the intricacies of the global community. The educational and social opportunities provided by Barrett’s unique community environment and Human Event course will enhance my understanding of global citizenship, furthering my ability to identify and help solve prominent issues which universally affect humanity.
A quintessential aspect of fully understanding global citizenship …show more content…

By promoting a holistic view of humanity rather than viewing the world as disparate nations, global citizenship becomes paramount to the resolution of issues which negatively affect the entirety of humankind, such as environmental damage. Through the combination of global voices, the advocacy and practice of global citizenship encourages the exploration of effective solutions to both existing and contemporary global problems. While the implementation of global citizenship may seem strictly positive, questions must also be raised about its perpetuation. On one hand, global citizenship promotes the integration of the world’s cultures, but on the other hand, it may result in the weakening of cultural, historical, and intellectual diversity that comes from different ways of thinking. However, this pitfall can be avoided without losing the advantages of global citizenship through the mindful preservation of diverse cultures. Personally, the sustainability of my actions is crucial to my development as a global citizen. In the fast-changing modern world, I hope my education at Barrett will help me to learn ways to assess the impact of my everyday decisions on the rest of the world, therefore contributing positively to our global