Which One Should Be Considered The Most In Global Citizenship Concept Perspective

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Which One Should Be Considered the Most in Global Citizenship Concept Perspective: Resolving the World’s Problem or Our Own Nation’s Problem?
By Fadhil Nadhif Muharam

As a part of human being and social creatures, we know that no one in this world can live alone. Everyday we interact with other people to make our life better, or at least to fulfill our needs to stay alive. We can’t deny, that the roles of other people in this world are really important for our lives, so we need to be involved in communities where we can interact with other people. We may not be aware, that those interactions in the communities build up the sense of responsibility in our shoulders. And we may not be the same about the perspective of responsibility towards the community. Some people may say that their responsibilities only covered locally, which means, their awareness and services are only for those who are near them. But there are some people who think that their responsibilities are crossing the boundaries, in other word, it’s the world. …show more content…

Global citizenship itself has different interpretation among people. Hans Schattle (2009) explored the many pathways followed by self-described global citizens, as well as specific global citizenship agendas taken on by organizations, the key concepts underlying global citizenship are awareness, responsibility, and participation which she consider to be the primary concepts of global citizenship, while cross-cultural empathy, personal achievement, and international mobility are important secondary concepts.1. In the coherence of the concept Modeleine F. Green (2012) said that the practice of global citizenship is, for many, exercised primarily at home, through engagement in global issues or with different cultures in a local