Barry Addington: Divine Law

285 Words2 Pages
Barry Addington, at the beginning quotes Zeroseven:
"Just give your practical example and we can explore it."

We should be concerned with law, especially divine law.

In Judaeo-Christian terms, are the Ten Commandments, which KF rightly draws on, subjective or objective? Bearing in mind, faith is a conviction in the unseen.

Darwinism creates another God at best.

Darwin dismissed our Parent God; saying He is "erroneous" on origins.

Steals from God glory and honour; awe, that He created in six days, as He wrote and said.

Darwinist Christians covet Darwin's word over the God of Sinai, reinforce by Jesus.

Dismiss the Sabbath as commemorating the end of Holy Creation.

Adulterates Sinai with brainless