Marching Band Expository Essay

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EXODUS 31:16-17 “”The Israelites must observe the Sabbath, celebrating it throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant. It is a sign forever between Me and the Israelites, for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, but on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.””. Because God rested, so must I in favor of respecting His actions. The Sabbath is a covenant with God. By accepting this covenant with God, I am sustaining my harmony with God. By corresponding with God’s resting, I am emulating God and becoming more analogous to Him, thus leading me to spread His everlasting love. By praising God, I feel refreshed and cleansed inside. I also sense being perpetually and ceaselessly content. ROMANS 8:35-37 “Who can separate …show more content…

Almost every weekend, the Marching Band attended a competition. These competitions frequently ran late on Saturdays and football game halftime performances on Friday nights. Occasionally, the competition award ceremonies didn’t initiate until 10:00 or even 11:00 PM. On Sunday mornings, I was invariably exhausted and refused to attend church due to my exhaustion. I began to grow more cranky as the Marching Band season continued. Practices were held everyday after school except Wednesdays, making excessive loads of homework difficult to complete and execute. Soon, my bond and relationship with God was completely obliterated. My inclusive mood and personality was depressing and bleak. My only elated junctures were when the Marching Band placed well in a competition. After the fall marching band season concluded, I began to attend church after accompanying the youth retreat to Camp Loy White. My faith had been restored, evoking my more pleasant mood. I felt refreshed, just as God had on the seventh day. I take this gruesome experience as a lesson, to never cease my relationship with God. Despite the fact that I will perform with the Color Guard again this Fall, I will attend church every single Sunday I am physically capable to attend. With church, I am motivated and jubilant. These positive effects will benefit me with homework and my attitude during the challenging activity of Marching Band. Lately,