
Battle Of Saratoga Essay

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1. Battle of Saratoga The Battle of Saratoga was a major battle in the American Revolutionary War that proved to be a turning point for American troops. The British military had originally planned a two-pronged attack during the summer of 1777 with the intention of diminishing American rebellion in New York to detach New England; one of the advances retreated in August 1777, the other surrendered in October of that year. American triumph in the Battle of Saratoga convinced allied France that America could win the war, and France acknowledged the new nation in 1778 through treaties of trade and military coalition. By 1780, an alliance consisting of France, Spain, and the Dutch Republic waged war on Britain, which had no associates. However, the Continental Army’s victory at Saratoga was due to their overwhelming numbers, and the troops still lacked discipline.
2. Treaty of Paris The Battle of Yorktown ended in a British defeat that forced them to …show more content…

Moreover, British creditors and Massachusetts bankers and merchants only accepted payments in specie (gold and silver coin), which minor farmers typically lacked. Agriculture was least rewarding in Massachusetts, and the new condition to pay levies in hard currency sparked Shays’s Rebellion in 1786. Shays’s Rebellion consisted a group of farmers led by Daniel Shays; they shut down the courts in five counties, and in 1787 trudged on a national arsenal in Massachusetts. Despite being thwarted by Boston troops, Shays’s followers gained control of the Massachusetts council cutting taxes. Shays’s rebellion brought forth growing pleas for a stronger federal government, and Congress shortly invited the states to send representatives to a convention in Philadelphia to discuss amending the Articles of

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