Becoming A Game Jennife Application Essay

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Becoming A Game Warden A fish and Game Warden, a police officer who protects the wildlife, is a career I wish to pursue because you get to enjoy the outdoors while protecting the wildlife. Becoming a Game Warden is not easy. You have to pass a series of tests and go through a selection process to have a career with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This is also not a highly demanding job. Being a Game Warden is not for everyone. Growing up, I was always outside playing and enjoying nature. I have always had a love for animals, even the slithery ones. Mom wasn't too fond of me bringing them home. I always knew I wanted a job where I could be outdoors, surrounded by nature and animals, but I did not know what until one day, I was watching …show more content…

I don't even have to kill anything. Just being out in the middle of the woods, enjoying nature, hearing all the different songbirds, and watching the squirrels and chipmunks play around is the best kind of therapy. What does it take to become a Game Warden in the state of Georgia? The first thing that you will need is an associate degree. A subject such as criminal justice, environmental science, wildlife biology, ecology, or natural resource conservation will help you earn a Game Warden 3 position. Next are the basic position requirements. What that is: When you apply, you have to be a U.S citizen with a minimum age requirement of 21, along with certain fitness requirements such as completing the POST Physical Agility Course in less than 2:07 minutes, 1 12 mile track run in less than 16:00 minutes, and a 25 meter fully clothed swim. With no felony convictions or misdemeanor domestic violence convictions. Training you will have to go through. All cadets will attend 23 weeks of law enforcement training at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center in Forsyth, GA, in order to meet …show more content…

Some fascinating facts about game wardens: Game Wardens have the authority to enforce both wildlife and general state laws. They can issue citations, arrest individuals, conduct investigations, and serve as first responders in emergencies. Game Wardens sometimes have to confront dangerous situations in the line of duty. They may encounter armed suspects, deal with aggressive wildlife, or navigate hazardous terrain. Game Wardens patrol public lands, waterways, and private properties to ensure compliance with hunting and fishing regulations. They play a crucial role in protecting the natural environment for future generations to enjoy. In conclusion, becoming a Game Warden in the state of Georgia requires an associate degree in subjects such as criminal justice or environmental science, meeting basic position requirements, including fitness and age, and completing 23 weeks of law enforcement