Becoming A Nurse Practitioner Essay

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Becoming a nurse was my dream come true. I followed in my mother’s footsteps, becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse, with pride, in 2007. In 2011, I reached another goal by graduating from the University of Southern Mississippi with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The goals for my nursing career include obtaining certification as a nurse practitioner and utilizing these skills to be successful, committing myself to lifelong learning, and providing community service to those in need. This will be accomplished with my acceptance into the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program at the University of South Alabama, College of Nursing.
I grew up in a rural town in the poorest state in our nation. I have been loyal to my community by working in local hospital systems for the past eight years. I intend to use my graduate degree to continue to give back to my community. My short term goals include earning my DNP and continuing to serve by offering quality healthcare.
As a registered nurse in the critical care unit, I assess and identify the needs of my patients using the nursing process. In this role, I provide direct skilled nursing care to …show more content…

With the passing of the Affordable Healthcare Act, the focus of healthcare is moving towards the chronic care model. Education regarding chronic illness and prevention is key. As a nurse practitioner, I will encourage screening tests, provide preventative education materials and resources, and work with major employers to facilitate health fairs in the area. I have worked with many great nurse practitioners and physicians during my career as a registered nurse, and these contacts will be used as strong mentors for my future. The close-knit health care team in the critical care unit allows for great teaching opportunities and has fueled my desire to further my