Becoming A Serial Killer Essay

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Serial killers are very farfetched because the brain functions completely different than the average sane human; therefore the causes of becoming a serial killer will be explored in this research paper. Evil thoughts and actions most definitely don’t spring up out of the blue. They can start from the day you are born. This is because patterns of evil thoughts and serial killers originate from childhood, pathology, and the difference between gender. In fact the United states is believed to have the highest rate of serial killings. Some could even say Americans are natural born killers. The root has to start somewhere in the human brain to go on blood thirsty hunts for our own kind. A serial killer basically is a person who killed more than …show more content…

Those thoughts are true, but surprisingly they can be extremely organized before, during, and after a brutal killing. Serial killers do a number of things in a specific order each killing. Most killers search for a victim for long periods of time choosing carefully, then once chosen they will go on to stalk the person. While stalking an individual the killer will often carry weapons on hand but will not kill the victim on scene. Once the victim is captured the killer will transport them to a new location where their long torturous or quick and sweet death will begin. After the killer is satisfied with his work, he will then dispose of the body in a third party location. All of these sophisticatedly twisted steps are taken to keep the law off their trail for long periods of time if ever. Then the happy killer will sit back in plain sight and watch everyone panic trying to solve a “missing persons case,” or potential homicide.
Where there’s organized killers there are complete fools that should sign their name at the crime scene and plead the fifth. This is what research calls a dysfunctional/disorganized serial killer. Disorganized killers do the complete opposite of the organized killer. They will attack where they see fit, use whatever they find as a weapon, and won’t dispose of the body. This makes investigator’s job so much easier, and relieves victim’s family with a sense of

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