Serial Killer Theory Essay

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The theory used in this journal pertains to the race, age, and gender of a serial killer; how they kill, the race, age, and gender of the victim; and how the killer lived before and during the killings. Before beginning his own study, Pakhomou (2004) found that “Serial (sexual killers are believed to be mostly white males in their twenties and thirties (at the time of the crimes) with above-average intelligence who commit intra-racial (within the same racial group) murders of strangers” (p. 220). Approximately half of them never had consensual sex with another adult, some joining the military, about half did not finish high school, and they had a history of burglary and sexual offenses prior to murders. There is no set reason or evidence that explains why people commit sexual homicide; however, there are many theories. One set factor that all researchers agree on is that “the most monstrous and most perverse sexual acts are usually committed by persons of sound mind, who are functionally rigid (in terms of a number of activities that they carry on), obsessed with fantasy and who have a determination to do what they want” (Pakhomou, 2004, p. 221). …show more content…

However, Pakhomou did touch on some points that related to contemporary criminology. The rational choice theory, trait theory, social structure theory, and social process theory were all addressed in Pakhomou’s research but he could not find an exact reason as to which one may cause the transformation into a serial killer. I do not believe there is one specific theory in contemporary criminology that causes every criminal, and serial killer specifically, to begin crime and lead on to more extreme crimes such as the serial (sexual) killings. I believe it is a mix of the contemporary criminological theories depending on the person and that Pakhomou’s study reinforces