Becoming Justice Blackmun Summary

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Becoming Justice Blackmun is a book written by Linda Greenhouse, which focuses on the inner workings of the United States Supreme Court. The story of Justice Blackmun centers around two themes. First, is the issue of abortion and Justice Blackmun’s struggle with Roe v. Wade (1973). Second is Blackmun’s relationship with fellow Justice Warren Burger.
Struggle with Roe v. Wade
Justice Blackmun is most well known for rendering the majority opinion in Roe v. Wade decision. The decision marked a historical and significant rule of law in the United States that brought both praise and criticism. Which held that women have the constitutional right to have an abortion
In researching his decision in Rove v. Wade Blackmun spent a lot of time reviewing the practice and medical procedures involved for abortions. He came to realize that the law was vague when it came to the health rights of women. It was during this time that Blackmun’s views began to …show more content…

Burger was more of a “go getter,” always looking for the next big thing to be a part of and to grow himself. Blackmun, on the other hand, did not seek high profile or publicity positions. He was content not being in the spot light. This can be seen in two instances where he turned down opportunities to work with the Franklin Roosevelt administration. Because he preferred to stay in Minnesota to raise a family.
Blackmun and Burger’s relationship began to sour over the course of several Supreme Court cases where they did not meet eye to eye. Over time Burger renounced the Roe decision whereas Blackmun, who authored the Court's opinion in Roe, became an advocate for abortion and women’s rights. In short, Blackmun’s views slowly became liberal. While Burger generally held more conservative views. As a result, the once great friends found themselves divided by a wall of cases and Supreme Court Decisions where their views pinned them against each other.