Becoming Members Of Society By Aaron H. Cohen's Monster Culture

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“The process of learning to think about gender in an adult fashion is one prerequisite to becoming a full member of society” [Devor 416]. Educational, cultural and reflective are three words to describe “Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender” by Aaron H. Devor from Rereading America. Devor breaks down the theory of gender role origins on how men and women have been categorized to follow a set of guidelines created not by a patriarchy, but instead on social foundation that is their society. The topic of gender roles within our society and our culture’s view of gender directly correlates to Cohen’s monster thesis number one in his article, “Monster Culture (Seven Theses)”. Cohen states that, “a monster signifies something other than itself” [Cohen 8] which signifies with gender setting boundaries based on strict rules of beliefs that shape how people behave and relate to one another. Ultimately, “Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender” is proven to be more credible using the CRAAP test analysis than Cohen 's, "Monster Culture (7 Theses)" because Aaron H. Devor’s use of factual evidence is based on proven sociological studies rather than Cohen’s topic based on outdated currency and subjective interpretations.
The first step in determining the credibility of both Devor’s and Cohen’s work is by looking at the publishing date and and the writing’s currency. Devor’s article “Becoming Members of Society: Learning the