Becoming Memoir

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Throughout my childhood I’ve had every influence of technology, television, and books contribute to making great memoires of mine. This paper I considered a challenged because I felt the need to narrow my favorites into a top three. Growing up most of my reading came early on; later becoming a requirement from school summer reading assignments. Though we had an option to choose between a few books it wasn’t hard for me to continue reading once I started. Television wasn’t a hard choice for movies I could do anything that was popular and kept my interest as a child. Making me now a crazy film addict; interested in many genres now that I’m older. As a child I had a precise choice of readings it was mostly fiction. Movies were always animation, …show more content…

Also begging my mom for it the books store. I learned Ryan’s was bilingual. Flipping through the pages I saw phrases inside the story in Spanish. The translation at the back of the book helped more because it wasn’t just the translation but the pronunciation. During school they weren’t interested in teaching foreign language until middle school. So for me it was a new experience I was teaching myself. When I first started reading Becoming, Naomi Leon I could tell I wasn’t understanding the plot. I thought maybe this wasn’t in my age range? Or maybe I this is too much of a challenge for me? The stories events were family issues like an alcoholic mother, an ill younger brother, and a custody battle for guardianship. Before finishing the book I would find myself constantly wondering about the next chapter. Thinking of possible outcomes or solutions to problems within the story. Even relating it back to myself putting myself in the character’s shoes. How the main character Naomi had challenges at a young age but a continuous positive outlook. Drawing me closer to the book to see someone my age handling these situations with a positive …show more content…

Toy Story being a sequel throughout my childhood I adored. It was like growing up with a movie that grew with you. The first one came out while most were young making it that childhood flick that kept kids occupied in car rides. The animation to keep children’s attention. Comedy to give children memories. In 2010 Toy Story 3 attracted an older crowd. Allowing young teenagers to see their childhood change. I liked the idea of Andy growing up but still having memories of his toys. He cared about his toys though he was going into a new stage of life college. The movie gave multiple memories of woody and space who became action figures and toys in stores. Every child wanted a friendship like them someone to stick together a play family. It was the world of toys something that most never thought of in that way. Making them more than toys but figures of my childhood to