Becoming Successful In High School

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Most the experiences and challenges I have faced have involved others. Some lifted me up and encouraged me to succeed. Others have depended on me to improve themselves. Yet, some people have brought me down. All these people have changed me for the better and will help me to be successful in college and beyond. High school has challenged me beyond belief. My counselor would say I’m headstrong, as I often demanded to take classes early and even skip some courses. He had faith in my abilities, and believed that I would be successful in whatever I do. Junior year I was supposed to take honors pre-calculus, but confident in my skills I asked to jump straight into AP calculus. I started quite shaky, however, within the first couple of …show more content…

I came into Waukesha North as a shy and introvert person. My coach pushed me to try new things and be confident in myself. I had to do things that were scary and uncomfortable but the more I practiced the skills the better I became. It is also terrifying to think of change. When I was learning my front double, the mere thought of doing it gave me anxiety, yet a front one and a half was my favorite dive to do. But my coach was able to force me to attempt it until my anxiety level went down, and I could actually practice the dive. Freshman year I was very uncomfortable participating in class and interacting with new people but the more I did it the easier it became. I now engage in class discussions and work with people I would otherwise never know. The change to college will be frightening but I have the confidence to try new things and meet new people which will make it easier. The things I learned from diving will help me to be a better student and successful in a …show more content…

I would always have diving practice, work, or volunteering. As a swim instructor, I was able to be a leader to many young kids. I learned that to be a leader I first needed to be able to communicate clearly with them. I had to be able to demonstrate and skills and teach the kids the techniques. But often times a kid would not be able to get the concept so I would have to think creatively to solve to problem. Many kids could not dive into the water, but as soon as I had them practicing handstands they were able to do it. The ability to problem solve, communicate, and be a leader have all had an impact on my academic success. I can work with other students and express my ideas clearly, while also making sure that everything is getting done and everyone has a job to do. In addition, I’m able to think creatively to find solutions to different problems. These skills will help me to be the best student I can be and to guide others to be their best. In the future, I can solve problems the world faces with new and creative solutions and create a positive