Bedroom Observation Answers

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With the ASQ, S.H. demonstrated that she can answer questions using various words and follow directions that are given to her.
Area of Improvement Even though S.H. has several strengths, there is room form improvement in other areas. The first area that needs improvement is problem solving. In this area, S.H. scored 35 points on the ASQ. Even though S.H. repeated two numbers and built a bridge, she was not able to decipher the figure that looked like a person nor repeat three numbers in order.
S.H. needs cooperate more with her teachers. During the narrative observation, I observed that various times her teacher reminded her to play on the rug and she would go play in other areas of the room. In the DECA, I recorded that S.H. occasionally listens to other adults, therefore, she doesn’t always make them smile. With the DECA, I recorded that she frequently cooperates with other because she cooperates with …show more content…

The physical developmentally checklist revealed that S.H. can walk up and down stairs, jump in place, run, and throws large balls under- as well as overhand. The physical developmental checklist demonstrated that her fine motor skills are also developing because she can unzip large zippers, unbutton large buttons, and grasp crayons. With the anecdotal and narrative observation, I saw that S.H. used her fine motor skills every time she turned the page of a book. For the most part S.H. does have balance. In the ASQ and physical development checklist, S.H. demonstrated her balance by standing on one foot for a few seconds. S.H. does have coordination because, as stated in the physical development checklist, she walks smoothly without falling in a heel-to-toe pattern. Her hand-eye coordination was demonstrated in the COR, ASQ, and physical developmental checklist because I recorded that S.H. would look at the blocks and coordinated her arms’ movements to stack them on top of each

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