Bot-2 Assignment

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BOT-2 Assignment Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2), second edition was utilized to assess fine and gross motor skills. It consists of four composites: fine manual control, manual coordination, body coordination and strength and agility. Each composite also consists of 2 subtests totally eight subtests. The test was assessed on Maille, she’s eleven years and eight months old. Her date of birth is February 12, 2004. The test was assessed on October 15, 2015. Fine motor precision is a subtest under fine motor control composite. Maille was asked to complete activities such as filling in shapes (circle and a star), drawing a line through a path (crooked and curved), connecting dots, folding paper and cutting out a circle. …show more content…

Maille completed tasks such as copying a variety of shapes such as: circle, square, overlapping squares, wavy line, triangle, diamond, star and overlapping pencils. Maille continued to show a remarkable grasp pattern by holding the pencil with a three jaw chuck while completing tasks. She also used her left hand to stabilize the paper while her right hand completed the task. Maille was rushing to complete tasks, which made it look sloppy; this was the only weakness I noticed while completing the task. Maille scored above average in fine motor …show more content…

Maille completed tasks such as dropping and catching a ball, throwing and dripping a ball. Maille had a lot of energy while completing this activity. She was great at throwing the ball, but she has a weakness with catching the ball. Maille scored average in upper-Limp coordination. Bilateral Coordination is a subtest under body coordination composite. Maille completed tasks such as touching her nose with index fingers and eyes closed jumping jacks, jumping in place, pivoting thumb and index fingers, and tapping feet and fingers. Maille showed strength in being able to use both sides of her body while tapping her feet and fingers on same and opposite sides. I did not notice any weakness in Maille with this subtest. Maille scored average in bilateral coordination. Balance is the next subtest under body coordination composite. Maille completed tasks such as walking on a line, standing on one leg on a balance beam with eyes closed and open etc. Maille showed weakness during the tasks when her eyes were occluded oppose to when she had visual. A loss of visual made Maille insecure about the movement which was noticeable in her wobbly movements. She lost balance faster without visual. Maille however, showed strength in using her upper extremities to compensate as a strategy to keep her balance while on balance beam. Maille scored average in