Behavioral And Evolutionary Psychological Theories Of Infants

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Today, in the 21st century, technology has become an everyday use not only in adults, but in infants too. Technology advances have developed rapidly in the last ten years. Infants are given a tablet or a cellphone and can do many wonders with it. There are three learning language theories that focus on the infant’s linguistics: behaviorism, social-pragmatic, and evolutionary psychology. Behavioral and Social-pragmatic theories are the two who are highly connected to today’s communication technology.
Theory one, also known as, behavioral theory is an idea acquired through association and reinforcement in which parents play an important role towards the infants learning process. In other words, Skinner’s theory, reflected that the frequent use of repetition is educational. So how do we make a connection with technology; easy by the use of sound, tone and color consistently. Sound, tone, and color all can be transmitted through television and kids tablets. For example, if an infant is watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the episode focused on singing and learning the ABC’s and was repeated through many hours the infant will be able to identify letters and rhythm of the sounds. By …show more content…

That is, talking. Communication technology and socio-pragmatic go hand on hand when a parents instructs an infant on how to use a toy or a learning tablet. For instance, when an infant is playing with a toy and the mother or caregiver presses and lets the infant know what it is saying or pressing, the infant makes a connection among the toy and what the adult pointed to. As for a learning tablet, if the adult expresses what the tablet is displaying, and teaches the infant how to play the game it is most likely that the infant will know how to use a tablet effectively. In order for infants to develop the language, infants need parent’s