
Behavioral Therapy For Phobias

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Snakes are Slimy, scaly, and vicious creatures who have a lot of people terrified. People who have fear of snakes might have Ophiophobia which is the fear of snakes. Everyone fears something and can relate to a phobia in some way. Phobias can be triggered by many things and can easily be controlled. Phobias are everywhere and it is important to identify them. Phobias A phobia is fear of an object, an event, or a feeling (Hall 1). Fear does not become a phobia until it causes problems. Phobias are more common in women than in men (Phobias CRS 1). People with a phobia will do almost anything to avoid a setting that causes a symptom (Orr 1). For example, a person who fears cats might not go to a relative’s house because they own a cat. …show more content…

The most common treatment for phobias is behavioral therapy (Harvard 3). If you have a phobia you may want to get a psychiatrist to give you an evaluation so they can get you to the correct therapy program(Phobias 3). Behavioral therapy is the most common therapy and its purpose is to reduce or eliminate the phobic response(Phobias 3). You could also use acupuncture to relieve a disorder(Doctor 5). Young or old, phobias can start at any moment in someone’s life. A phobia is a fear of an object an event or feeling. The first four years of life will include fears of loud noises and …show more content…

A technique to treat a phobia is exposure with response prevention(Phobias CRS 1-2). For example, if a Person always washes their hands a therapist would ask them to not wash their hands for a couple of days(Phobias CRS 1-2).Sometimes the best way to solve a phobia to actually deal with the problem.There are numerous phobias.Phobias that show up in a population are limited and non-random given the different situations saw in everyday life(Marks vii).All Phobias have their own specific name.Agoraphobia is the fear of closed spaces and the most common phobic disorder for which people decide to get treatment(Doctor and Kahn 12).Phobias are all around

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