Belonging In Guy De Maupassant's The Necklace

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As humans, one of our natural desires is the need to fit in with others. This psychological desire can cause people to go great lengths, even spend unimaginable money just to stay up to date or “stay in the circle”. Celebrities spend money on things that the average person couldn’t think of purchasing for themselves. Even the average person can sometimes feed into the temptation of buying something they really can’t spare the money on. These extra luxuries can come in the form clothing, jewelry, or even traveling experiences. The need to belong has positives and negatives. The need of belongingness can even influence a person’s purchase at the store. Besides one’s basic necessities to live, such as food and water, there are plenty of other things that their money can be spent on. Social groups can play a big role here. For instance, a new player to a college school basketball team might pick up the same habits and fashion style as other members on the team. In order for him to feel more comfortable, he will shop at the same stores and …show more content…

She was born into a poor family, married to a low level clerk who works for the Ministry of Education, and constantly spends hours a imagining a life of luxury. Her husband is content with their life and sees nothing wrong it meanwhile, she dreams of fancy dinners clothing. When her husband is invited to a formal party by the Ministry of Education, to his surprise, she is upset. She says she has nothing to wear and feels unworthy. He gives into her cries and spends 400 francs to buy her a dress, but this isn’t enough. As the day of the party get closer another problem arises, she has no jewelry. Her husband suggests she go to Madame Forestier and ask to borrow a piece of jewelry. Mathilde selects a diamond necklace but ends up losing it sometime during the