Benedict's Argument Essay

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Throughout the Church 's long history, Her popes, and other popular religious figures, have written letters addressing issues that She, and or her people, are facing at the time. In 2009, Pope Benedict the 16th authored the encyclical (letter to the church), Caritas in Veritate. The title, and first three words of the encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, translates to "Charity in Truth." Pope Benedict writes the encyclical to tell his people about the importance of truth. A society of peoples cannot develop without truth (C.V. 23). Throughout the encyclical Benedict enforces the fact the truth must be in every aspect of life. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “truth or truthfulness is the virtue which consist in showing oneself true in deeds and truthful in words and guards against duplicity, dissimulation and hypocrisy (Catholic Church 2505).”
The second chapter of Benedict encyclical …show more content…

28). Similar to Pope John Paul’s encyclical, Evangelium Vitae, which is focused on the life of man, more importantly the human persons’ right to life. No one has the right to infringe upon that right, as previously state, governments have a responsibility to respect the rights of the person. Benedict really devotes a great deal of this section to the topic of abortion, conception, sterilization, or anything else that impedes on ones right to life. Benedict states that, “Openness to life is at the center of true development (C.V. 28).” This statement can be summed up as: without life, there is no population, and without a population there need for development. Also without respect of the importance of life, one cannot truly value other persons, or help other persons in need, because they do not understand the importance of that person’s life. Humans must never lose sight of the true importance of life, because once that happens why continue to