Benefits College Education

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“Experts recommend viewing a college education as an investment in your future(“The Value of Education”).” By receiving a college education you can get a better education. Having a college degree will help you get better jobs. Getting a college degree will help you earn more money. College is worth the price because you can get a better education, better jobs and can make more money. First, getting a better education will help you get a better job and have life skills. A common argument against this position is you don’t need a college education to have good life skills, but “74% say their college education was very useful in helping them grow intellectually; 69% say it was very useful in helping them grow and mature as a person; and 55% say it was very useful in helping prepare them for a job or career(Pew Social & Demographic Trends).” Having a better education will improve learning and working in a career. Almost half of people think a college education is just as important as knowing how to socialize in a working …show more content…

Some people may say you can still have a good paying job without a college degree, but “Construction workers, police officers, plumbers, retail salespeople, and secretaries, among others, make significantly more with a degree than without one(Leonhardt).” Getting a college degree will help you make more money and get a better job even if the job does not require one. People with only a highschool diploma are more likely to be unemployed than people with a college degree(Leonhardt). People with diplomas are more likely going to get the job over you. Getting a college degree has major rewards to getting jobs even if you do not need a degree for the job(Leonhardt). Jobs that don’t require a degree will hire people with a degree over people with no degree, even though a degree is not required. Getting to college will help you get a better