
Benefits Of The Low-Calorie Diet

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Dieting is very popular among American citizens. Although we see advertisements everyday about how a new diet has been discovered, we don’t really know the effects of them until there have been multiple studies done to determine whether or not they are healthy or safe. There are several ways in which Americans attempt to lose weight every single day. Two of the most popular diets among Americans are the low-carb diet and the low-calorie diet. Both of which have been deemed to be unsafe by dieticians and not very effective in the end results. First, the low carb diet is considered unsafe because you are not consuming all of the nutrients your body needs. Because of this, the body pulls from our stored form of glycogen (water), which only results …show more content…

Dieticians recommend not eating below 800 calories per day. The recommendation for most adults is at least 1200 calories per day (Thompson, 2012). Going below this can be dangerous and unhealthy for the body because again, you are not consuming all of the essential nutrients the body needs to function on a daily basis. Although these are two of the main diets that Americans try, there are several other ways off “losing weight fast” that are considered unhealthy as well. These include fasting, diet pills, juice diets and many more. You can assume, that if a diet is being advertised as a “quick way to lose weight” that it is usually unhealthy and unsafe. Also, you normally will only be losing water weight with these “quick” diets and will gain it back very quickly. There are several weight loss “programs” needed to ensure a healthy weight in Americans. The first of these is the MyPlate initiative. This is to ensure Americans know how much of each food group they need to consume daily to keep a healthy weight (Myplate, 2015). This is also known for helping Americans learn how to control the portion size of each meal, which is very important is maintaining a healthy …show more content…

The first of these is making a reasonable and realistic weight loss goal (Nutrition.gov, 2015). It is not recommended that one try to lose more than two pounds a week. Losing two pounds per week is not even recommended unless you are under the care of a physician or a dietician. The recommended weight loss goal for most Americans that are not under the supervision of a dietician or a physician is one pound per week (Thompson, 2012). The next way Americans can ensure a healthy weight is to stick to a nutritionally balanced eating plan (Nutrition.gov, 2015). If you can consume all the nutrients you need with less calories per day that is okay. However, if you are on a low calorie diet and not consuming the essential nutrients your body needs, you need to make some adjustments because that is neither healthy nor safe. It is very important to fit physical activity in with your “dieting” when trying to lose or maintain weight. Regular physical activity plus healthy eating is almost a shoe in for weight loss. However the results will differ when you have one without the other. In other words, physical activity and a healthy diet are both needed to ensure a healthy weight in

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