Benito Mussolini Fascism Research Paper

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During the course of the history many different political structures have been established. Although political organizations such as liberalism, socialism, and democracy were still widely enforced, a new ideology was on the upsurge. After World War I the new political structure known as Fascism was on a rise. An Italian man by the name of Benito Mussolini wrote The Doctrine of Fascism in 1932. After WWI in 1919 Mussolini founded the Fascist movement, and quickly rose to political power (235). In his article Mussolini outlines the idea of Fascism during his authoritarian rule (235). The idea of Fascism is deeply rooted in the State, opposed to other political organizations, and is opposed to the idea of individualism. The Fascist organization is dependent on the importance of the State. Nothing else can exist without being a part of the success of the State (236). Anything that is done at a government or individual level is for and by the State. The Fascist idea was deeply important to the people of Italy after WWI as they were in need …show more content…

The idea of classes was something that the Fascist organization did not believe in. Instead of focusing on the class struggles the Fascist state looks to unite the classes (236). According to Mussolini, “Fascism is totalitarian” meaning the state holds centralized power (236). For this reason, Fascism is also opposed to Democracy. The political idea of Democracy is defined with the power centralized in the majority. Fascist do not think that the majority can govern (237). Individualism is the opposite of what Fascism stands for. The individual government focuses on the idea of reforms for individuals and specific groups. This is not to say that Fascism is not critical of themselves and other movements as well. Although the point of view of the fascist is different, it considers other movements important to their success

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