Benjamin Franklin's Influence On Society

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Leadership is influencing and improving the society around oneself. A good leader influences the society by doing the right things, and telling people to do the right things. The people will listen to the leader, because he can motivate the people following him to do the right things by using humor, passion, and respect for the people he is leading. When the leader motivates the people to do a right thing, they then improve the society. A good leader must communicate with his followers because if he does not, there will be confusion as to what they should do in a certain situation. A bad leader, on the other hand, resorts to fear in his followers by not communicating, staying unfocused, and by being dishonest with his followers. Benjamin Franklin was an example of a good leader, because he communicated with the people of Philadelphia, he was able to relate with them by humor, and was determined and passionate for his ideas and inventions. Because he wrote and read so much, Benjamin Franklin developed good communication skills, not by talking, but by writing. Franklin’s father put him into school just …show more content…

He made the first library in Philadelphia, because there had not been one there before, because there was not enough money to start one. So, Franklin consulted with people and asked for a donation of money which would be going into making the library. When we talked to the people, instead of being blunt and getting straight to the point that he needs money for the library, he would acknowledge the people helping him make it and he would say that it is not about the person who came up with the idea, it is about the cause of the idea and how it will benefit the community. This made him humble, because he lowered himself down to the people’s level and did not make it known that he was the one who came up with the idea. He could also persuade people very well, because he was able to relate with them by humor and his