Benzoic Acid Synthesis Lab Report

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To separate a mixture of Benzoic acid, 4-t-butylphenol and Biphenyl and to determine the percentage recovery of each
Bicarbonate ions, when added to a mixture of the three substances, will convert the carboxylic acid (in this case, benzoic) to ions. Hydroxide ions on the other hand convert Phenols to ions. This makes them soluble in the aqueous layer as ions are soluble in water. However, addition of HCl to the aqueous ionic solutions regenerates non-ionic substances which are only soluble in the organic layer.
• 2M diethyl ether
• Saturated NaCl solution
• Saturated aqueous solution of Sodium bicarbonate
• Distilled water
• Pasteur pipette
• Anhydrous Calcium Chloride pellets
• 3M aqueous NaOH
• Litmus paper
• Boiling stick
• Source of heat
• Water bath …show more content…

It was then washed off with ether after the drying process was finished and allowed 5-10 minutes for the drying of the ether solution. ?M HCl was added drop wise to tube 2 to neutralization, while testing the solution with litmus paper. A boiling stick was then added to the tube and heated cautiously to bring most of the solid carboxylic acid into solution. The tube was then allowed to cool slowly to room temperature then cooled in ice. The solvent was removed and the residue recrystallized from boiling water. The tube was then allowed to cool slowly to room temperature and then cooled in ice. The crystals were then stirred and collected on a Hirsch