Beowulf A Modern Day Hero Essay

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A hero is a person who stands tall and never gives up. Without a doubt there are many heroes in this world today. Heros that may be from back in the day and newer and known heroes. One main hero that truly stands out to me is Beowulf. He shows many characteristics of a modern day hero like having a strong moral code, an arch enemy and also a trademark weapon. However, Beowulf shows more characteristics of an Anglo-Saxon Hero such as having courage/being brave, showing loyalty to his lord, boasting, and more.
To begin, Beowulf has shown loyalty to his Lord. First off pages 116-119 states “Won’t go to fight Grendel without Lord’s consent…” meaning that Beowulf simply could not do something without his Lord’s acceptance of it. Therefore, if Higlac, his Lord, did not approve of fighting Grendel, no battles would have been held. To add, “Alone shall fight for me, Struggles for life against the monster. God must decide who will be given to death’s cold grip” (268-270), is another …show more content…

“He needs no weapons and fears none. Nor will I. My lord Higlac might think less of me if I let my sword go where my feet were afraid to…” Without a doubt, Beowulf knew the strength of Grendel is strong, therefore, him coming to the conclusion of fighting with his bare hands was a bold and brave decision. To add, “In endless battles, I am old now, but I will fight again, seek fame still, if the dragon hiding in his tower dares to face me.” simply shows how Beowulf will fight an evil and strong dragon with fire breath even though he is weaker than he was fifty years ago. Lastly, the poem states, “Then Beowulf rose, still brave, still strong, and with his shield at his side, and a mail shirt on his breast, strode calmly, confidently, toward the tower, under the rocky cliffs: no coward's could have walked there!” as stated previously, Beowulf has grown week over the years, but still continues to battle for himself and his

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