Bernard Roth's Rhetorical Analysis Of 'The Achievement Habit'

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Often times the expression “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is told, Bernard Roth, author of The Achievement Habit similarly agrees with that stating “Nothing is what you think it is. You give everything its meaning” (Roth 18). As chapter one of his book is analyzed the realization of how Roth is able to make an individual feel emotionally attached while also allowing them to understand the content being read is remarkable. At times Roth can be perceived as very heartless and arguable while learning the phases of achievement. In the Achievement Habit, Roth uses Aristotle’s rhetorical analysis which consists of ethos, pathos, and logos to show that in fact nothing is what you think it is.
As Roth is analyzed by the reader, early on one can …show more content…

Roth structures his writing in three simple steps, to begin he introduces the topic or lesson he is planning to talk about. Then, he tells the reader a story to make one feel emotionally attached to the situation and lastly he has the individual try the topic or lesson he is attempting to get across. For example, in chapter one Roth introduces his reader to a concept that things have no meaning. Roth creates an exercise where individuals say thing they hold very dear to them have no meaning. Sherri, one of Bernard Roth’s colleagues chooses her daughter as the object to carry out this particular exercise. Bernard Roth then explains to Sherri that of course her daughter has meaning but everyone’s daughter could have a different meaning to them. Some mothers abandon their daughters, some mothers love their daughters unconditionally. Roth then explains the purpose of this particular exercise is to show one that they as an individual has chosen the importance of things or relationships with people. With Roth creating an emotional connection with the reader, it enables him to be perceived as logistical by most.
Throughout chapter one, there are many examples where Bernard Roth emotionally connects with the reader but also provides logical reasons. To illustrate this concept, Roth usually begins by introducing the reader to an idea and then shows