Bernie Sanders Campaign Essay

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The 2016 United States Presidential Election was, in a word, controversial. It demonstrated that people are discontent with the current political establishment, regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum. On the right, this sentiment is most clearly expressed in the election of Donald Trump, who promises to “drain the swamp” of political corruption in the United States. On the left, however, the Bernie Sanders campaign saw the revitalization of a massive anti-establishment movement within the Democratic Party. In order to run an effective populist campaign, one needs to be able to effectively tap into public discontent, which Sanders has proven himself to be more than capable of. According to the New York Times, Sanders’ America …show more content…

However, about fifteen seconds in, the ad’s focus becomes political, showing small Sanders rallies. However, as the song picks up pace, the scale of these rallies and meetings begins to increase, with large and increasingly zealous crowds. As the ad reaches its climax, the lyrics “We’ve all come to look for America” display, one word at a time, with a montage of thousands of faces in the background, expanding and with each face becoming smaller and smaller until you cannot make out individual people, transitioning into a gigantic rally filled with cheering, energetic …show more content…

The ad is very emotionally charged, and is designed to uplift and encourage the viewer. The music and filmography play together in a very specific way. The music begins very slowly and calmly, and as the music builds, so does the scale of the size and enthusiasm of the crowds. As the music builds, you can see people being brought together and united in a common cause, ending with massive, exuberant crowds. The lyrics of the music are also significant: for example, the line “let us be lovers, we’ll marry our fortunes together” lines up with a scene depicting a couple dancing during a rally, and the line “they’ve all come to look for America” is to a mosaic of thousands of people, presumably participating in this political